Government Organised Protests

Government Organised Protests

  “End Austerity”, “Stop the Cuts” and all the other soundbite slogans have absolutely no effect when the protests are run by the government. Its called “Controlling the Narrative”. The Peoples Assembly has been carefully planned by those working inside and alongside The government. This is to safeguard the public to a certain extent and […]

Police state Harassment Exposed

Police state Harassment Exposed

With the British Government “waging war “against alternative views and The Counter Terrorism and Security Act  now in force this article may be useful to real journalists and those targeted because they go against The Consensus Reality created  by Big Society Change Agents. Also of interest is our recent article Government Organised Protests which documents how government agents “Control the […]

The Remedy Grifters – Defamation

The Remedy Grifters – Defamation

“Matrix Freedom” Fake Remedy Guru Grifters who fleeced thousands of gullible punters   Companion show, Listen here: Warning – The Remedy Grifters All the links you need are in this article: What is Common Law?   This article outlines how “Remedy Grifters” operate and how one dodgy website has engaged in defamation against myself. This […]

Messiah of Israel

Messiah of Israel

“I doubt that, in the entire history of the Jewish people in the Diaspora, a period of 2,000 years, one could ever find a man comparable in stature to the incredible character that was the Baron Edmond de Rothschild – the builder of the Jewish Yishuv in our renewed homeland”. (David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime […]

UK Council Vaccinate Homeless

UK Council Vaccinate Homeless

Waltham Forest council in North East London like other UK councils is planning to vaccinate homeless people at locations within the borough. The language used to describe this programme in the video meeting attached is revealing.   This is a nationwide agenda San Diego Tribune: In UK, roving teams bring COVID-19 vaccine shots to homeless […]

Covid “Protest” Social Engineers

Covid “Protest” Social Engineers

Article with relevant show notes Listen Here to: Covid Protest Social Engineers Covid Conspiracy Circus Nothing in this system can be done without Consent, however even implied consent has to be gained without imposition, circumvention, surprise or undue influence. Without deliberation and balance it is to be treated as a delusion.   More essential Information: […]

Covid, Reset and Law

Covid, Reset and Law

Covid, Reset and Law   Here is the show: Covid, Reset and the Law The notes for the show are essential information, here they are: COMMUNITY, a society of people living in the same place, under the same laws and regulations, and who have common rights and privileges. From, The Lexicon of Law, 1847 Common […]

Extinction Rebellion – The Facts.

Extinction Rebellion – The Facts.

The corporate backed “protest” group Extinction Rebellion are the subject of the shows and information below.  The main protagonists in this organisation and their links to the UN Agenda 2030, the UN Global Action Plan, template fake protest groups and NGO’S are all presented.  UPDATE: Gail Bradbrook ER Founder admits to having government backing: Gail […]

Fake Protest: Extinction Rebellion

Fake Protest: Extinction Rebellion

Updated information on the founders of Extinction Rebellion and their links to global corporates and the agenda behind this controlled opposition cult Here. In response to requests for information about the cult one activist was threatened by agents of ER known as Foxtrot Echo and Foxtrot Tango along with others in the cult. The founder of ER […]

State Subversion, Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam

State Subversion, Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam

Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam: The Money Trail and The Propaganda Here is a fascinating report into reformed “Islamic radical”  Maajid Nawaz and his Quilliam Foundation and its rather chequered history. Nawaz is an ex “Islamic extremist” and was “deradicalized” after being imprisoned in Egypt and is now a state asset of the intelligence services and […]