State Technocracy and its Civil Servants

This show looks into the links betwen the Intelligence services and the corporate sector who interface with government and Think Tanks. This,  plus the new Department of Communities in Northern Ireland which appears to take “controlling the narrative” to new levels of complete control by “Glocal” Govenment. There is nothing real in the world of psychological nudging and nothing new under the Sun.

The psychological Operations network is both private and government lead and public opinion is strictly controlled by these gatekeeprs. The problem is that the tactics of “Psyops”  are extremely limited and it is all getting rahter tired. Has the unelected media eaten itself?

Piers Corbyn joins Mark Windows in the second hour for more on the “Regneration” under the UN Habitat and Agenda 2030 Programme.

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State Technocracy and its Civil Servants

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