Having covered The Big Society and the Change Agents who are implementing the no choice Consensus Society on previous shows we know this is all part of Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development which is now to be rebranded as Agenda 2030. This article contains information, video and radio shows which cover how this is being implemented through Mini Holland schemes
The Revolutionary spirit is accounted for. The Revolutionary spirit is harnessed and steered. The radical revolutionary groups which control all opposition to globalism are run by the revolutionary by numbers school of Direct Action, organized and funded Template Protest. Article on the recent steering of “Protest”: Covid Protest Social Engineers Listen […]
The Covid 19 plan is an acceleration of The Global Action Plan. This show like many more in our archive goes into detail about how the manipulation of minds is controlling the narrative unless the bigger picture can be seen. Global Change – The End of Reality Below are the show notes for the following […]
https://www.windowsontheworld.net New show every Sunday. This show: Social Cleansing and the Big Society implemented with no public input. The show is a follow up to Mini Holland schemes and Social Cleansing in East London. This show features interviews with a local shopkeeper and a lady in sheltered accommodation on The Mini Holland Scheme implemented by […]
In what is now known as your “Community” and under the banner of The Big Society change agents are implementing Social Change. They will not tell you directly what that change is. The reason for this is that they are implementing change that no one would want. This change is loss of all individual rights […]
This show : Change Agents, Climate Change and Agenda 21. We present solutions to the loss of all rights to The Big Society and how we are being scammed into global servitude to a fake green agenda which is in reality mass depopulation and mind control by subversion courtesy of the United Nations Agenda 21. […]
This is how “Community Steering” is presented Citizens Assemblies = Being Steered into the already decided outcome. See our shows Elephant in the Room – Community Steering and the accompanying shows, an interview on Steering the Public – Communitarianism on the Shelly Tasker show and Citizens Assemblies and Steering the Public on The Richie Allen […]
This show and the links below bring together information on how the Global to Local governance of Agenda 2030 works. From Global objectives to how exactly the system operates in your local area. We bring the actions of the past into the present. From the driving forces behind Sustainable Development to how it is being […]
Here are our shows on the Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and the Zoning being carried out in Oxford and what is proposed in Canterbury and coming to every town in Britain. We have reported on this and the Agenda 2030 and walkable cities since 2014 when the first “Mini Holland” project was introduced in North East […]
Here is the show which accompanies the article: Follow up show: Earth – The Final Battle MP talks about The Big Society and Communitarianism: The above quote is from Robert Halfon, MP for Harlow, Essex. The system we are under is very rarely spoken of. We have talked about the communitarian […]