New Age Global Governance

New Age Global Governance

New Age Global Governance “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will […]

Antifa Handbook -The Protocols of Zion

Antifa Handbook -The Protocols of Zion

Live every Sunday at The recent targeting by Antifa of a debating group in London and the bigger picture of Antifa. See Antifa attack Londons OAPs Part two features singer songwritet Alison Chabloz   Here is the headline from one of the online “News” sites. “Neo-Nazis plan London meeting to discuss Princess Diana conspiracy […]

Anne Pigalle Lets Save Soho!

Anne Pigalle Lets Save Soho!

Mark Windows with Anne Pigalle on the “regeneration” of Soho and what we should do to save its individuality. For the bigger picture of what this Re Engineering means check out the videos on Regeneration, Mini Holland Schemes and Agenda 21 which is a Global Action Plan implemented locally. See our article “Big Society Change […]

Sea Level Expert V Climate Lies Destroying Communities

Sea Level Expert V Climate Lies Destroying Communities New show every Sunday 9.30pm GMT and new videos and articles posted regularly. The village of Fairbourne in North West Wales is being threatened with extinction through fearmongering. Sea Level rises which are based on projections are being used to depopulate or “decommission” the area in the near future. Sea Level Expert Nils Axl-Morner […]

Is New World Order Legal?

Is New World Order Legal?  New show every Sunday 9pm GMT. Arlene Johnson of discusses whether our entry into EU was legal. The Bill of Rights and Magna Carta are also discussed. MPs, government and all public officials adhere to an agenda which is now against the public interest. What can we do about it? Check out our article Big […]

Social Cleansing and Housing “Crisis” Explained

Social Cleansing and Housing “Crisis” Explained New show every Sunday 9pm GMT. This show is the third in a series about how Corporations are controlling social housing and destroying residents rights. Aysen Dennis from the Aylesbury Estate in South London explains how residents are being removed from all consultation and councils are now increasingly powerless as legislation is effectively being […]

UK Housing “Crisis” and “Regeneration” Exposed

UK Housing “Crisis” and “Regeneration” Exposed New show every Sunday 9pm GMT. This show reveals the agenda behind so called social cleansing and “regeneration”. Housing activists Piers Corbyn and Val Lindo plus Simon Elmer from Architects for social housing  reveal the corporate takeover of Londons social housing. This show reveals the corporate control of the housing market with the complicity […]

BBC Lies, Lambeth Corruption with Piers Corbyn

BBC Lies, Lambeth Corruption with Piers Corbyn New show every Sunday. This show Piers Corbyn on the BBC smear campaign against him after attending a Council meeting at Lambeth as the public voiced their opinions after council lies and corruption following council ignoring the High Court and public vote. For more on how and why public participation in local issues is […]

UN Agenda Hits London

UN Agenda Hits London New show every Sunday at 9pm GMT. This show is based on an article on the website called Big Society Change Agents. The implementation of schemes in London and across the country by Change Agents in your community. the implementation of so called Mini Holland schems and Transport for London policies are the latest […]

Government Organised Protests

Government Organised Protests

  “End Austerity”, “Stop the Cuts” and all the other soundbite slogans have absolutely no effect when the protests are run by the government. Its called “Controlling the Narrative”. The Peoples Assembly has been carefully planned by those working inside and alongside The government. This is to safeguard the public to a certain extent and […]