Climate Changes for Real Science

Climate Changes for Real Science

For at least a decade we have been told by the UN/IPCC, by most government media and officials, by many politicians, and by the Green “charities” and their media friends that “the science is settled”. We are lectured by Hollywood stars, failed politicians and billionaire speculators that anyone who opposes the World War on Carbon Dioxide is ignorant, mischievous or supporting some hidden vested interest. We endure calls for an end to free speech for climate sceptics, smearing with derogatory terms like “denier”, and even aggressive punishments like dismissal and legal action against sceptics for speaking out. The new low is the use of anti-racketeer legislation against sceptics: RICO against Climate Deniers

UK Martial Law Terror Clowns

UK Martial Law Terror Clowns

Update: March 2017 After Westminster attack the Terror Clown Monster Clown Cars are wheeled out The recent pictures circulating on facebook and some local UK papers of heavily armed police at funfairs and family events show grinning robo cops  posing with children and their parents for  publicity shots. This follows on from the rest of […]