Windows on the World Presents:  The Bigger Picture Mark Windows. Piers Corbyn, Sandi Adams. The recent Poll, The Democracy Perception Index found that: 64 percent of populations in “Democracies” stated that their governments “rarely or never act in the public interest”. Have you ever wondered why local and national government seem to have a different […]

Climate Changes for Real Science

Climate Changes for Real Science

For at least a decade we have been told by the UN/IPCC, by most government media and officials, by many politicians, and by the Green “charities” and their media friends that “the science is settled”. We are lectured by Hollywood stars, failed politicians and billionaire speculators that anyone who opposes the World War on Carbon Dioxide is ignorant, mischievous or supporting some hidden vested interest. We endure calls for an end to free speech for climate sceptics, smearing with derogatory terms like “denier”, and even aggressive punishments like dismissal and legal action against sceptics for speaking out. The new low is the use of anti-racketeer legislation against sceptics: RICO against Climate Deniers

Big Society Change Agents

Big Society Change Agents

Having covered The Big Society and the Change Agents who are implementing the no choice Consensus Society on previous shows we know this is all part of Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development which is now to be rebranded as Agenda 2030. This article contains information, video and radio shows which cover how this is being implemented through Mini Holland schemes

The Big Society Unveiled

The Big Society Unveiled

In what is now known as your “Community” and under the banner of The Big Society change agents are implementing Social Change. They will not tell you directly what that change is. The reason for this is that they are implementing change that no one would want. This change is loss of all individual rights […]