In order to survive the present in any meaningful way it helps to know how the system now works. Communitarianism is the new communism. Guest Madelaine is from Poland and compares the new “community” of communitarianism with the Communism in Poland and how the Solidarity movement brought it down. Interview on Communitarianism The […]
The Force “They” Fear The Mysterious Force of Truth in what was called “The Way” is what the Cabal fear and cower from. These copyists, the cabalists in return called their imitating power “The Mysterious Force” which was to destroy the teaching of the early Christians as the truth within it was deemed to have […]
A look into the purpose of the promotion of Darwinism and The Out of Africa Theory and how these theories are spurious. Listen here: Control of Evolution Show Notes: Control of Evolution More here with Steven Strong of;
Listen Here: Watching the Watchers Show Notes: WATCHING THE WATCHERS A look into the Nephilim , the offspring of the Watchers in the Old Testament and Book of Enoch. There are also references in the show to The Nag Hammadi texts, available as a download here on our Free Books page. The Nag Hammadi […]
Full shows here: The Memory Hole The Mind Field New Show every Sunday 9.30pm UK time Sunday Show Live Stream and Full Archive The Memory Hole This show covers the nature of memory and the ability of recall. We also cover false memory syndrome, the rewriting and distortion of history and how to […]
Dr. Paul Hobday is a retired GP from Kent in the UK. Paul wrote a novel – The Deceit Syndrome, which describes how the UK NHS was privatised and what this actually means. In this series of interviews the history of the privatisation and the who, what, where and when of how this was achieved […]
Those of the system know nothing of how it works. They constantly go back to gatekeepers and what they percieve as upstanding authority for remedy. The way the system actually works is that it absorbs everything. This has been presented simply and clearly in our series: The Protocols of Power […]
We have done several shows on the influence of The Saturn theory . In the show we talk about the possible conjunction (thousands of years ago) of Saturn, Venus and Mars depicted through symbolism in different parts of the world. The Saturn theory posits that the gas giant was once a […]
New show every Sunday 8pm UK time Full archive at We have done several shows with retired psychiatric practitioner Jerry Marzinsky Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney co authored: An amazing journey into the psychotic mind Sherry Swiney is also featured in some of our shows with her That’s […]
Listen Here to: Britain – The Great Deception The shows linked here are all part of our series about the works of William Comyns Beaumont. The series of shows is also discussed here: Trailer for Shattered Isles: Britain – The Great Deception The theories of Comyns Beaumont The British Isles had a […]