Britain – Shattered Isles


Comyns Beaumont

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Britain – The Great Deception


The shows linked here are all part of our series about the works of  William Comyns Beaumont.

The series of shows is also discussed here:

Trailer for Shattered Isles:


Comyns Beaumont on Comets

Comyns Beaumont

Britain – The Great Deception

The theories of Comyns Beaumont

The British Isles had a great civilization before the Romans which was wiped out when its greater land mass was impacted by  a comet on May 17th 1322 BC

The Original Christianity had emerged in the British Isles

The Biblical Flood or Deucalion, Flood of Oygyges were a result of this catastrophe

On AD 325 Constantine transported the original Christianity to what is now called present day Israel.

Jerusalem after being invaded and taken by Hadrian in 135 AD ceased to be called Jerusalem until Constantine in 325 AD

Constantine and his mother Helena transplanted the Roman version of Christianity to present day Israel or Palestine, Phillistinia.

Comyns Beaumont:

Replacing Jerusalem

Britain the Key to World History

Constantine was said to have recognised Christianity as his faith, and to have gained victory under the sign of the Cross.

Subsequently he became sole dictator of the Roman Empire, and for reasons known to himself caused Jerusalem to be “discovered” with other alleged Biblical sites in the present Israel.

If he had strong reasons for wishing to transfer the early sites of Christianity to the Near East, making Constantinople the centre of his Empire, there was little opposition to fear from any quarter, especially when a most drastic censorship was placed on any writings which may be inconvenient.

He was thus able, with coadjutors, to dump it down in the Near East; although it probably never entered his head that his act of deception would successfully fool the world for a period of over 1600 years.

In 326 AD Constantine despatched his mother, the Empress Helena, on a mission to the new Jerusalem to discover the “sacred sites”.

Helena (by that time an aged woman) was an ardent Christian. Her son supplied her with ample funds, and history records that high ecclesiastical personages had been advised to escort her and assist her to “discover” the exact spots where Jesus had been born, crucified and buried.

Her especial task was to find the true Cross.

On the authority of St Cyril, who was present, this actual cross was unearthed at “Mount Calvary”, lying deep in the soil, along with two others identified as those of the malefactors crucified at the same time as Christ. It certainly needs consummate faith to accept these miraculous finds.

The Empress thereupon caused the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to be erected on this sacred spot, and the other two crosses were set up in churches devoted to the Nativity and the Crucifixion.

These discoveries followed shortly on the Council of Nicea in 325, at which Constantine decreed formally that the Christian religion was in future to be that of the whole Roman Empire, whereby complete doctrinal power was placed in Roman hands.

Many historians have suggested that it was an astute political move on the part of Constantine, for in so doing he deposed the god Mithra, who had been installed as the chief deity by Maximian.

Mithra was now deposed and Christ reigned in Heaven.

As the result of the Empress Helena’s pilgrimage, and with stirring accounts of other miraculous happenings, the new Jerusalem began to attract pious Christian pilgrims and before very long, under Imperial patronage, it prospered.

Julian in 361, however, became undisputed Master of the Empire and, although brought up as a Christian, he devoted himself to Greek literature and philosophy, abandoned Christianity and avowed himself a follower of Mithra instead.

In 363, just before he was slain in battle against the Persians, he gave the Jews permission to rebuild their Temple, in “Jerusalem”.

A curious event happened. The foundations had been laid, the building was about to commence, and all was in readiness, when a severe earthquake destroyed all the work thus far completed.

The Christians regarded this as the warning hand of the Deity and showed distinct hostility towards further effort on the site, and so it was abandoned.

The subsequent history of this Jerusalem is not at all distinguished.

In 614 the Persians took the city by assault and sacked it thoroughly.

The churches of Constantine, of Helena, and of Justinian, were gravely damaged.

All the wealth obtained from pilgrims was seized and the supposed true Cross taken away into Persia.

Again in 634, the famous Omar became Caliph of the Arabs and captured Jerusalem from the Christians, who, however, were permitted to dwell there.

He selected the supposed site of Solomon’s Temple for his mosque to Mohammed, as it is at present.

Needless to add it was never the site of Solomon’s – or Herod’s – Temple.


Geographical anomalies of the present day Israel

From a topographical aspect, the present site of Jerusalem in Israel fails in every single particular to correspond with the famous city so minutely described by Josephus and in only slightly lesser degree by Nehemiah.

As far back as 1640, the German traveller Korte, after a careful examination of the principal sites, declared that it failed in every respect to coincide with the Jerusalem of Josephus and the Scriptures.

Claims to the tombs of Ab’Ram, Isaac and Jacob, said to be concealed under a mosque in the town of Hebron, are unsupported by a grain of evidence, as also is the so-called Hebron itself, which verily lay not 12 miles from Jerusalem but over 400, as indicated earlier.

The rock-cut sepulchres of the kings in the valleys called Jehosaphet and Hinnom are of late Roman age with Greek inscriptions, and the actual sepulchres of David, Solomon, Hezekiah and other of the kings were buried in secret vaults beneath the original city of David or in the Citadel itself (Edinburgh Castle).

David built his Palace or Castle and called it the City or Citadel of David, was part of the city, whereas the alleged site is placed outside it.

Moreover it was the highest point in the west, facing the Mount of Olives in the east, and from the long rising hill at the foot of the Mount, a straight street led steadily upwards to the Hill (or Mount) Moriah, where stood the Temple.

There the hill was broken by a ravine, but it continued as Mount Ophel to Mount Zion itself. Not one of these landmarks can be traced in Israel, and it would, indeed, be difficult to find two sites more utterly at variance.

Many modern visitors have realised how completely the present so-called Jerusalem fails to correspond with the detailed description given by Josephus in his Wars of the Jews, and as he was the Jewish General who opposed Vespasian in 69, when he was taken prisoner, he knew the topography of the city as well as any man.

Nothing in the Jerusalem of today can be related to the early Jewish era, and its oldest archaeological remains are only late Roman. Nor does it end there. Nothing in the groups of ruins at Petra, Sebaste, Baalbec, Palmyra or Damascus, or among the stone cities of the Haran, is pre-Roman.

I have some areas of dispute here especially Baalbeck

“Jerusalem, the earthly, is a pleasure-ground for wealthy sightseers, a place where every stone has been commercialized, either by tourist agencies or greedy monks, where the very candles lit by the pious before the pictures and the shrines are put out the moment they are lit and sold in sheaves to the Jews … The first thought of the true pilgrim on looking at Jerusalem was expressed by a peasant

The Crusades

The Crusaders were of course innocent of any knowledge of the deception played on them back in the 4th century.

How should they have known? It is doubtful if many of the priests were aware of the facts.

We remember that in the year 600 St Augustine, then at Canterbury, wrote informing Pope Gregory that Christianity began in Britain, a letter still recorded, but it evoked no response in the Pontiff’s bosom, as might be expected. Possibly, therefore, the Pope knew the true facts and only wanted to have others forget such inconvenient matters.

Jerusalem was described by Jeremiah as “the perfection of beauty and the jewel of the whole earth.”

(Lamentations 2:15) It certainly does not apply to the city so-named in the East, which is today much as it was in the past.

It is a shabby, shapeless, provincial type of city of narrow streets and filthy bazaars, and possesses no real antiquities other than a few from late Roman times.

It is built on a height, and is surrounded by rugged hills, with a stony, forbidding soil. It has had through the centuries no commerce or manufacturers worthy of mention, and no minerals except potash in the Dead Sea.

Most of the country is composed of barren limestone mountains, with only a few streams, which mainly dry up in the summer, and with few areas able to grow produce.

Jerusalem’s port of Jaffa, named after the original Joppa, is a poor harbour and lies 35 miles from the capital, reached over forbidding hills.

Claims to the tombs of Ab’Ram, Isaac and Jacob, said to be concealed under a mosque in the town of Hebron, are unsupported by a grain of evidence, as also is the so-called Hebron itself, which verily lay not 12 miles from Jerusalem but over 400.

The rock-cut sepulchres of the kings in the valleys called Jehosaphet and Hinnom are of late Roman age with Greek inscriptions, and the actual sepulchres of David, Solomon, Hezekiah and other of the kings were buried in secret vaults beneath the original city of David or in the Citadel itself (Edinburgh Castle).

Hinnom and was some four miles outside the walls, whereas the place selected as the Holy Sepulchre is falsely sited inside the city.

Mount Zion, where David built his Palace or Castle and called it the City or Citadel of David, was part of the city, whereas the alleged site is placed outside it.

Moreover it was the highest point in the west, facing the Mount of Olives in the east, and from the long rising hill at the foot of the Mount, a straight street led steadily upwards to the Hill (or Mount) Moriah, where stood the Temple.

There the hill was broken by a ravine, but it continued as Mount Ophel to Mount Zion itself. Not one of these landmarks can be traced in Israel, and it would, indeed, be difficult to find two sites more utterly at variance.

The Asiatic Jerusalem is erected on a hill, is square and squat rather than long and narrow, with Mount Zion at its very south instead of in the west where it stood, and the Mount of Olives consisting of four not very high hills whereas the original Mount of Olives dominated Jerusalem as King Arthur’s Seat dominates Edinburgh.

In the early centuries before his age, it is true that Christianity was regarded as an offshoot of Judaism, and was accordingly exposed to the odium which attached to the Jews and their aggressive religion. The Roman State, in establishing the principles of Christianity, promising forgiveness of sins to the penitent and a life hereafter of happiness and bliss, could not at the outset be hampered by the Paganism of the past, the former human sacrifices offered up by the Jews, and its other superstitions. Moreover, Britain itself was largely sunk in gross superstitions including belief in a pagan Underworld, leading to vain sacrifices, and there is no denying the fact that the worship of the infernal deities, together with human sacrifice and strange rites, continued in the West, and especially in Britain, to a comparatively late day.

Lowe Thompson says of it:

“Directly the church was strong enough – that is to say tentatively in the twelfth, and more decisively in the 13th centuries, it began a deliberate campaign against a definite heathen religion, which was most ‘devilish’… It has all the marks of a native growth, deep-rooted in the wild heaths and the untutored hills.”


Comyns Beaumont

Comyns Beaumont

Comyns Beaumont

Comyns Beaumont

Comyns Beaumont

Today the British Isles is the epicentre of global control and tyranny.

The land itself populated by clueless inhabitants who know nothing of their own history.

Most have been turned into shallow minded repeaters of the most basic propaganda.

Is this the end of civilization again?

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