End of UK NHS Explained

Dr. Paul Hobday is a retired GP from Kent in the UK.

Paul wrote a novel – The Deceit Syndrome, which describes how the UK NHS was privatised and what this actually means.

In this series of interviews the history of the privatisation and the who, what, where and when of how this was achieved plus more is addressed.

The videos below are the full interviews, the You Tube trailer is above. 



“The solo practitioner is a thing of the past”, this was described as far back as 1969.  A now deceased Dr. Richard Day gave an “off the cuff  lecture” to students at the Pittsburgh Paediatric Society and the recollections of this fascinating, dystopian and accurate prediction for the future have all come true. These predictions and much are explored in these fascinating interviews which contain information everyone needs to know as it forms part of the global bigger picture.

The recollections of Lawrence Dunegan, a student present at the lecture given by Dr. Day are recalled here in what has become known as The New Order of Barbarians. This includes all audio tapes and transcripts plus commentary.




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