5G Debate Hijacked by Globalists

5G Debate Hijacked by Globalists

5G Debate Hijacked by the UN, World Bank and NGO,s More on this story and some useful links Here The 5g debate about public safety has been hijacked by the very organizations who are implementing the Smart Cities agenda and the United Nations Agenda 2030 Global Action Plan. They are even lobbying for what is […]

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The UK venues who hate truth

The UK venues who hate truth

The UK Venues who Hate Truth   Update: The Quakers at Friends Meeting House in Worthing UK are the latest shameless totalitarians. Full story here   The shutting down of public interest events in the UK is now comparable to any totalitarian regime. In the UK the state and globalist supported extremist so called “left” […]

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State Subversion, Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam

State Subversion, Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam

Maajid Nawaz and Quilliam: The Money Trail and The Propaganda Here is a fascinating report into reformed “Islamic radical”  Maajid Nawaz and his Quilliam Foundation and its rather chequered history. Nawaz is an ex “Islamic extremist” and was “deradicalized” after being imprisoned in Egypt and is now a state asset of the intelligence services and […]

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Windows on the World Presents:  The Bigger Picture Mark Windows. Piers Corbyn, Sandi Adams. The recent Poll, The Democracy Perception Index found that: 64 percent of populations in “Democracies” stated that their governments “rarely or never act in the public interest”. Have you ever wondered why local and national government seem to have a different […]

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Small Charities and Venues under threat

Small Charities and Venues under threat

Small Charities and Venues under threat UPDATE 2020: The Trust have at last taken back the building from the trespassers and those impersonating the trust by fraud. Here is the official statement: Tottenham War Services Institute (TWSI) 2020 LB Haringey Statement   Full Story: Small organizations, Trusts and Charities are under threat from Corporate interests […]

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Are you a Pauper?

Are you a Pauper?

Are you a Pauper? Pauper: Legal Definition An impoverished person who is supported at public expense; an indigent litigant who is permitted to sue or defend without paying costs; an impoverished criminal defendant who has a right to receive legal services without charge. The statutes of the several states make ample provisions for the support […]

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Sea Level Rise is Fake News

Sea Level Rise is Fake News

Climate Change and Rising Sea Level propaganda explained We have done several interviews with World Leading Sea Level expert Nils Axl Morner and how this is part of the fear mongering put out to back up the Climate Change Agenda of Global Taxation and population control. The fear mongering is being used to depopulate coastal […]

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Are Administrative Courts Unlawful?

Are Administrative Courts Unlawful?

Why can Land Pirates abuse the Administrative Courts? Those who have been into a County Court or had a judgement made against them need to know how the abuse of process can extend to the theft of entire estates through often unfounded claims by third parties. Law firms with their own Debt Collection agencies use […]

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New Age Global Governance

New Age Global Governance

New Age Global Governance “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will […]

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