The UK venues who hate truth

The UK Venues who Hate Truth


Update: The Quakers at Friends Meeting House in Worthing UK are the latest shameless totalitarians.

Full story here


The shutting down of public interest events in the UK is now comparable to any totalitarian regime.

In the UK the state and globalist supported extremist so called “left” but in reality state and lobbyist backed intolerance even includes groups which are also charities such as Hope not Hate who are directly linked to terrorist group Antifa. See our show on this Registered Charity and Limited Company shutting down free speech in the UK.

A meeting of mainly senior citizens was also quite ludicrously targeted by Hope Not Hate and the Antifa Terrorist Group

Their agents when instructed will turn up en masse at any event, they are directed to attend by lobbying groups attacking British citizens without any real knowledge of who they are attacking or even having any comprehension of the words they are using to smear the public. Here are our reports on domestic terrorists Hope not Hate.

We have also had interference from two extremist Antifa domestic terrorists who have also attacked a small charity. They are Cambridge educated Change Agents who have committed serious criminal acts such as fraud, ,theft, libel, criminal damage, harassment, perverting the course of public justice and making false allegations to City of London and Wood Green police and have also lied to County and High Court Judges.

The names they were last using are Justin Katko and Lucy Beynon, if you have had any experience of their subversive activities please contact us. More information on their illegal activities  Here


Fake Left and Right Pantomime


This new global hive mind of consensus reality which is enforced by NGO’s, lobbyists and brainwashed individuals is now a threat to natural law and natural justice.

It is the foundation of evil enforced through indoctrination, the same historical ideology which is behind the mass murder of hundreds of millions through dictatorial brainwashing programmes.

The state backed agents enforce strict totalitarian intolerance of anything outside the narrow corridor of created and accepted public opinion. A corridor of socially engineered identitarianism which empowers state backed pressure groups to attack the majority.

It is the divide and rule strategy of all dictatorships and it is your local area, controlling the narrative of what you get to see, hear and engage with.


Windows on the World with the help of our listeners put on public interest talks in the UK.

The talks are concerned with the common good and the well being of the public:

The Bigger Picture

The information presented is wholly in the interest of the entire UK population, in other words it crosses all boundaries of religion, race, belief and identity, it is universal in its appeal. The information brings natural justice and natural law to the public.


Here is a video with some information on the talks which are being pulled by venues in the UK:

So, why are organizations and individuals within organizations shutting it down?

It is because it uses documented evidence to explain an agenda which is not in the interest of the public yet is being enforced upon them with no participation or recourse. That is why it is called The Bigger Picture.

Those who wish to shut it down are intolerant to facts or anything outside their implanted hive mind reality.


Named and Shamed – Britain’s Intolerant venues


1 The Hamblin Trust

A booking was taken by The Hamblin Trust Charity No: 1133567. Our public interest talk The Bigger Picture was accepted by the venue and later cancelled without any reason given.

The current website of the Trust is The Hamblin Centre

We gave the centre 10 days from 12 8 19 for the Trustees to respond, they failed to do so. The phone call we made to the Trust is available

On the Charity Commission website The Trust telephone number and Trust website is obsolete. The Trust website logged by the Charity Commission does not seem to have existed since 2002.

The Trusts charitable objectives are:


The talk cancelled by the venue fulfilled all the above objectives and resonated fully with the objectives of the Trusts founder.


“If our life were made easier we should become weaker, morally, and less inclined than ever to advance in spiritual things.”

So, our talks are in line with the objectives of the Trusts inspirational founder Henry Thomas Hamblin.

Listen to the phone call made to the Hamblin Trust which the Trustees failed to respond to:



2 The Grand Central, Brighton

The Grand Central website

After accepting a booking for The Bigger Picture an agent of Fullers pub chain pulled the event. This caused enormous inconvenience to the speakers and also the lady who had booked the venue. No reason was given and the person who pulled the event failed to respond to the e mails which were sent to all interested parties.

Here is the final e mail:

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 5:42 PM mark windows <> wrote:

To Jonathan Swift

c/o Sara Keogh

Please forward to your legal department.

Final Chance to Remedy:

The lack of response to the e mail below sent on two separate occasions has been noted. The personnel involved are as follows:

Janine Newnes – “the General Manager who took over from Liam (don’t have his last name) and told me that the event had been cancelled. She was the one who said over the phone that she didn’t have to give a reason and she sounded very stressed.”

Joanne Miles – Central sales & Events got me on to Aly Neale

Aly Neale – “Operations Manager Pubs and Bars – Who I understand is the one who ‘pulled’ the event. Getting no joy from her I then found out who was the Head of Operations  and his P.A. Sara Keogh whom you have e mailed, Jonathan Swain is his name.”

If no satisfactory response is received the matter will be escalated and made public that Fullers staff are censoring and cancelling an event which was accepted by the venue and was in the public interest.

Mark Windows

Well, they chose to ignore all requests, these venues think that if they treat the public with contempt and also ignore them then they will go away, we won’t!


 3 The Walrus, Ship Street, Brighton


The manager of this venue took the booking and cancelled two months after the booking was taken. It was stated to the person who booked the pub that complaints had been received by e mail. He then contradicted himself and sent some links from previous shows on our website. None of these have even attracted any attention before even from You Tube who are removing anything they deem to be against their political narrative.

Video links of several shows were sent as examples of why the show was pulled. The videos were not controversial and the main interview was with Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli born Jazz musician who was ironically talking about the shutting down of free speech and identity politics. One of the links was about the Jo Cox murder. None of this of course had anything to do with what the talks were about.

When we forwarded details of the criminals named above who are believed to have connections in Brighton and could be responsible for sabotaging our talks the manger failed to respond.

Here are his details:

Alan Endres, General Manage, The Walrus, 10 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AD
01273 025 749



We will update this with any other offending venues who have an agenda which is against the public interest.

Do send in any more offending venues for us to publish.

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