Police Perverting the Course of Justice.

Windows on the World Live EP-19.

The police and Crown Prosecution Service have been accused of failing to disclose crucial information in 55.5% of cases, resulting in defendants’ right to a fair trial potentially being undermined, according to a recent (2017) CPS inspectorate report.

Newspapers reported that it was rare for police officers to tell prosecutors about evidence that could undermine their case or assist the accused’s – known in legal terms as “unused material”.
This show reveals a case where the police perverted the course of justice, failed to take evidence and destroyed evidence in custody. The person accused was denied essential medication during an interview and the recording of the interview was never supplied by the police or CPS. The role of the CPS and its complaints system is acting against the interestof defence witnesses. In this case actually stating that the witness was not even in court!

The ability of the police to upload pictures of anyone they do not seem to like on The Crimestoppers website is also under scrutiny. Two corrupt PCSO officers recently uploaded a mans picture to the site and stated that he was wanted for a hit and run. This was merely because they had a grudge against him. They are both now in prison. In the case of the lady who was uploaded by the police in this case it caused her acute anxiety and she was too traumatised to return to the UK for trial.

Following an e mail to Lord Ashcroft, chair of The Crimestoppers Trust not only was the profile of Miss Rai removed but also the whole of Kents “Most Wanted” gallery. Thats is @250 people who were suddenly removed bringing into question what “Most Wanted” actually means.
The actions of Kent Police, The CPS, The IPCC and the use by police of The Crimestoppers website are all revealed in this shocking but true miscarriage of justice.

The Attorney Generals Office sent this e mail previously. They may be surprised with the sudden turn of events, the takedown of the entire Kent “Most Wanted” Crimestoppers Gallery. Here is their e mail which suggests that I complain …to places which will do nothing:

Thank you for your email to the Attorney General’s Office (AGO). I apologise for not responding sooner. I am afraid that the concerns that you have raised are not matters on which the Attorney General’s Office can assist you or Miss Rai. If Miss Rai feels that she has been convicted unfairly because she was featured on the Crimes Stoppers website or the Crime Watch television show, then she may wish to seek to appeal her conviction. If you feel that the police are abusing the Crime Stoppers website, then you may wish to complain to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. If you feel that Crime Stoppers are undermining the criminal trial process, then you may wish to complain to the Charity Commission. If you are not satisfied with the response that you have received from the CPS, then you may wish go through it complaints process.

Yours sincerely, Correspondence Officer Attorney General’s Office

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