Trust Law, Agenda 21 and New Age

Trust Law, Agenda 21 and New Age

Agenda 21 and the New Age – Windows on the World Live The simplistic approach to Trust Law. Trust Law, Agenda 21 New Age. The United Nations Global Action Plan and how it affects you and what t do about it. On tonight’s Windows on the World Live with Mark Windows and Tony Hurst. Trust […]

Social Cleansing Agenda 21 Explained

Social Cleansing Agenda 21 Explained

Mark Windows on the Richie Allen show on the bigger picture of social cleansing and the Grenfell Tower disaster. See much more on this at Windows on the World

N. E London Residents V Agenda 21

N. E London Residents V Agenda 21 Whilst out filming another show we met some residents who wanted to talk about the Mini Holland scheme in Walthamstow N E London, The plans restrict cars and access in its village area. See Mini Holland schemes =Fake Green Fascism in our video archive.

Global Local Agenda Explained

Global Local Agenda Explained

Listen here: The Global Local Agenda UK Council PR Fail and Global Action Plan      Please subscribe to us on our Spreaker  channel   Mark Windows and Sandi Adams explain how the Global Agenda is rolled out locally. See our many other shows on this and Agenda 21/30 in our archives. This information is […]

The Smart Agenda and 5G

The Smart Agenda and 5G

  Please follow our shows on Spreaker. We are LIVE every Sunday here at shows and  Windows on the World Spreaker . Please subscribe. The Smart Agenda and 5G on Spreaker Please circulate our shows on Bitchute:  Windows on the World on Bitchute This show: The 5G Rollout, autonomous vehicles and what it means to you. […]

Useful Idiots and their Agenda

Useful Idiots and their Agenda

Agents of Influence agenda 21 The Ochelli Effect-2017-07-19 Mark Windows #NoLivesMatter #AgentsOfInfluence Hour one. tech issues and chuck’s random thoughts. Artificial intelligence. The singularity? Does this work with agenda 21? Agenda 21 in full effect.agents of influence in tow. How this works along with agents of influence. Change agents? how they are not what they […]

UN Agenda Hits London

UN Agenda Hits London New show every Sunday at 9pm GMT. This show is based on an article on the website called Big Society Change Agents. The implementation of schemes in London and across the country by Change Agents in your community. the implementation of so called Mini Holland schems and Transport for London policies are the latest […]

Deborah Tavares: Agenda For Your Town Explained

Deborah Tavares: Agenda For Your Town Explained every Sunday at 9pm GMT with Mark Windows. This is part two of an interview with Deborah Tavares of on the agenda to steal property and implement total global control through UN Agenda 21.

Big Society Change Agents

Big Society Change Agents

Having covered The Big Society and the Change Agents who are implementing the no choice Consensus Society on previous shows we know this is all part of Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development which is now to be rebranded as Agenda 2030. This article contains information, video and radio shows which cover how this is being implemented through Mini Holland schemes