Covid, Reset and Law Here is the show: Covid, Reset and the Law The notes for the show are essential information, here they are: COMMUNITY, a society of people living in the same place, under the same laws and regulations, and who have common rights and privileges. From, The Lexicon of Law, 1847 Common […]
5G Debate Hijacked by the UN, World Bank and NGO,s More on this story and some useful links Here The 5g debate about public safety has been hijacked by the very organizations who are implementing the Smart Cities agenda and the United Nations Agenda 2030 Global Action Plan. They are even lobbying for what is […]
The use of apocalyptic cults to control the hearts and minds of the population is nothing new. In this show we look at the doomsday, religious and the latest Climate Change cult which has hijacked the minds of the world through lobbyists, banks, corporations and unstructured global governance. The objectives of the New Totalitarians and […]
More on how governance works and who is pulling the strings. Listen Here: Your Shadow Government Hates You Book out talks on The Bigger Picture through the website
The corporate backed “protest” group Extinction Rebellion are the subject of the shows and information below. The main protagonists in this organisation and their links to the UN Agenda 2030, the UN Global Action Plan, template fake protest groups and NGO’S are all presented. UPDATE: Gail Bradbrook ER Founder admits to having government backing: Gail […]
This page will have useful books and files to download which are relevant to our shows and the bigger picture Avalon Library – Hundreds of Titles G-S-Lawrence-Dissipation-of-the-Darkness-History-of-the-Origin-of-Freemasonry Our Common Agenda 2021 UN Report Saul Alinsky – Rules for Radicals Klaus Schwab: Covid 19 The Great Reset World Health Organization: A Safer Future […]
Updated information on the founders of Extinction Rebellion and their links to global corporates and the agenda behind this controlled opposition cult Here. In response to requests for information about the cult one activist was threatened by agents of ER known as Foxtrot Echo and Foxtrot Tango along with others in the cult. The founder […]
We attended a global warming alarmist meeting which followed the Extinction Rebellion “protest” at the very same venue where they had glued themselves to the building and obstructed the road. The helicopter circling above us would have seen Mark Windows, Piers Corbyn and Sandi Adams plus others chatting to the attendees and bringing […]
Updated information on the founders of Extinction Rebellion and their links to global corporates and the agenda behind this controlled opposition cult Here. In response to requests for information about the cult one activist was threatened by agents of ER known as Foxtrot Echo and Foxtrot Tango along with others in the cult. The founder of ER […]
Listen Here: Pantomime Politics, Left Right and Hate Please subscribe to us on Spreaker The controlled narrative of the Fake Extreme Left and Fake Alt Right. It’s all Hatespeak Now! This show looks at the controlled left and right political pantomime and looks at some examples of this attempt at controlling the narrative of public […]