In our recent show CITIZENS ASSEMBLIES = END OF CHOICE We described how public participation in local planning has been taken away through steering the public into pre determined outcomes through facilitated “Consensus” through “delphi technique.”
The process was invented by The Rand Corporation in 1953 and is used to steer the public into intended outcomes.The same template is being used in the UK as here in California:
Even mainstream websites have cottoned on and much of the info we put out about the Citizens Assemblies is also in this article
The Citizens Assemblies
use Chatham House rules
The Oxford Assembly voted for retrofitting houses starting from £25,000 each.
Six select committees decides on a George Soros funded organization,
Involve to be the chosen organization to rollout Citizens Assemblies.
I have done several shows on this and the info came in from the first Citizens Assembly on Climate Change in Oxford.
There is no “climate emergency” nor any evidence for one.
On what foundation evidence was a “climate emergency” declared?
Why not ask “the experts” on the “panel”.
The Citizens Assemblies on Climate Change started with Oxford and will usher in draconian restrictions on private travel and the closing of streets to all traffic along with “retro fitting” homes starting at £25,000. The “Expert panel” consists of lobbyists for mitigation and a climate modeller from Oxford University, Myles Allen who is not an expert and was rebuked by a judge in a recent court case
Currently national policy does not require that new homes are built to net zero standards. Should the government introduce this standard?
The Government has already legislated to end the sale of all petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2040. Should the ban on new petrol and diesel
vehicles be brought forward to 2030?
3a. If you are a homeowner, would you be prepared to retrofit your home and bear the costs? Average of £25,000 per house
• Yes • No • DK
The public are being psychologically steered in agreeing to what they would never have dreamed of agreeing to if they had not been brainwashed by climate change mitigation lobbyists.
Further shows on Citizens Assemblies
Citizens Assemblies – The Corporate Revolution
The “Liveability” Agenda 2030 policies now rolled out in Oxford
The implementation of this agenda in Waltham Forest was very unpopular and now Walthamstow Deputy Council leader Clyde Loakes who was the front puppet for implementation of “Mini Holland” in Waltham Forest has been chosen to front the same agenda in Oxford under its new brand “liveability”.
The video below includes soundbites and outright lies and all in the name of sustainable development the UN Agenda to control and manage population in Smart Cities with only public transport and cycling. None of this has been properly thought out. Check out our archive on Mini Holland and Agenda 21/30/
All comments on the video below were “shadow banned”, this is very sinister considering that this is meant to be about public engagement, the amount of dislikes is revealing though. UPDATE It was so unpopular they made it private:
So they uploaded it again!
You can dislike it here: