The Conmen of Cabala
See our previous article and show as an introduction:
The follow up shows:
Cabal: The word has some interesting meanings, this from “The Lexicon of Law”, 1847:
Cabala / Kabbala from Kibbel meaning:
“Reception, a doctrine received by oral tradition”
There were two subjects which were at the forefront of the Jewish imagination, decoding the mystery and history of creation and also the Merkabah, the divine apparition of Ezekiel.
The cabalists believed they had means of viewing the divine household and used chants and amulets, names of God and angels and claimed to perform supernatural deeds.
The cabalists referred to themselves as “maskilim”, intelligent or yode ch’n “connoisseurs of secret wisdom”.
Cabala – Where philosophy meets doctrine and rationality leaves the room.
It was a reaction against the rationality of Moses Maimonedes. 1138-1204
Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides and also referred to as “Rambam”, was a medieval Sephardic Jewish philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages.
Though he accepted that astrology has the ability to influence human behaviour he declared that it, as well as other forms of magic, was an out-of-bounds and dangerous superstition, explicitly forbidden by Leviticus 19:26, “You shall not practice augury or witchcraft.”
The term Cabala was first used in the 13th century
The term Cabala refers to a particular variety of Jewish mysticism, which first emerged in the 13th century in Provence and Catalonia. It was concerned with the inner structure and processes taking place within the divine realms, on whose metaphysical dynamics the Cabalists tried to exert influence.
Born in overheated brains fed by megalomania, obsessive mystery and fantasy.
An attempt to interpret biblical texts and creation through “mystical” ramblings.
It includes gematria the decoding of words with numbers and revolves around the 22 letters of the Hebrew language.
The Cabala has been adopted into western “magical” thinking.
The Occult writer Dion Fortune reveals the inconsistencies in the interpretations of letters and numbers through gematria in the opening of her “Mystical Cabala”, proving that the mystery extends to the interpretations even within its own system:
“The (Cabalistic) tree of life forms the ground plan of the western esoteric tradition and is the system upon which pupils are trained in the Society of Inner Light”
“MacGregor Mathers (a founder of the Golden Dawn) in the “Kabbalah Unveiled” does not himself adhere to his own table systematically and even uses different spellings for the same words. This is very confusing for anyone who wishes to use the gematric method of elucidation in which letters are turned into numbers”
What she fails to mention is that Hebrew is itself based on the original and wider used Aramaic, the language of Jesus and the early biblical texts.
Dion Fortune also refers to Cabala as “The wisdom of Israel”, its origins have no connection whatsoever with that region, it was born in the Languedoc in France although its influence did make its way back there.
This makes the whole premise unworthy of serious study.
The Zohar
The main book of the cabalists is the Zohar written in the 13th century by Moses De Leon. It is also described as being written in the 15th century.
According to Jewish tradition, the Hebrew language has a divine origin.
In Genesis 1, God creates the world by pronouncing his will; hence language has the ultimate creative potential.
In the Zohar letters, vowels and intonations are the building blocks of the cosmos. The sounds of creation.
The Hebrew alphabet affects both physical and spiritual realities.
Daniel 12:13 “And they who are wise shall shine.”
Zohar, Bereshit: “And they shine like the brightness of the firmament that rests upon they who are wise, of whom it is written”.
And the earth was without form.
Creation began in chaos, out of chaos emerged the concept of order.
Jacob Frank 1726-1791
The later cabalists Sabbatei Tzevi and Jacob Frank believed that the more chaos and reversal of natural law the sooner that God would intervene.
They both claimed Messianic status and a gained huge following worldwide.
This cabalist thinking can be seen in action through world events. The more frenzied the chaos, the greater the order and perfection will emerge.
The Russian hasidic Chabad Lubovitch quote Cabalistic references in their description of their organization:
“ Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. It is considered to be the most dynamic force in Jewish life today.
Lubavitch appropriately means the “city of brotherly love”The word “Chabad” is a Hebrew acronym for the three intellectual faculties of chochmah—wisdom, binah—comprehension and da’at—knowledge.”
Again from
“It was in the Tannaic period that the Zohar, the most famous text of Kabbalah, was committed to writing by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (also known as the Rashbi). Rashbi lived in tumultuous times when the Roman government was executing all the great Torah teachers, including his master Rabbi Akiva.
Rashbi himself had to flee Roman persecution and hid in a cave with his son, Rabbi Elazar, for thirteen years. During this time, he received Divine Inspiration (Ruach Hakodesh) and merited the revelation of Elijah the Prophet and composed the sacred Zohar.
Based on the five books of Moses and written in Hebrew Aramaic, the text of the Zohar explores and expounds in a most cryptic way the mystical tradition. Its pre-eminent place in Jewish mysticism does not derive solely from its antiquity or its authorship. Other works of the Kabbalah such as Sefer Yetzirah and Sefer HaBahir are of earlier origin. The Zohar’s importance must rather be attributed to its comprehensiveness.
It became the source for practically all the later authoritative Kabbalistic teachings of the Arizal and others.
The Zohar was concealed for many centuries, and the study of the Cabala was restricted to a select few qualified individuals.
It became revealed only in the thirteenth century and was published by one of the leading Kabbalists living in Spain, Rabbi Moshe de Leon. Some believed that the Ramban (Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman c.1194-1270 C.E.), himself a renowned Kabbalist, had sent the Zohar from Israel by ship to his son in Catalonia, but the ship had been diverted and the texts ended up in the hands of Rabbi Moshe de Leon.”
There is simpler explanation and that Moses De Leon wrote the book under an alias
Simon Ben Yochai as he is claimed to have stated that no one would buy it if they knew he had written it.
This view forms the starting point for most of the Jewish mystical and magical traditions, from antiquity right up to present times.
Sefer Yetzirah, one of the earliest Jewish mystical texts of Hellenistic provenance, dated by scholars somewhere between the 2nd and 7th centuries CE, describes the process of creation as taking place through the 22 letters of the Hebrew language and ten cardinal numbers.
Early on, Sefer yetzirah received magically oriented interpretations, which explained how to imagine and possibly repeat the divine process of creation through manipulation of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, to the effect of creating a golem.
A golem is a clay creature that has been magically brought to life. The name comes from the Hebrew word “golem,” which means something incomplete or unfinished, like an embryo.
The Golem
“The Talmud relates a tale of rabbis who grew hungry while on a journey–so they created a calf out of earth and ate it for dinner. The cabalists (Jewish mystics) determined that the rabbis did this magical act by means of permuting language, primarily utilizing the formulas set forth in the Sefer Yetzirah, or Book of Creation.
Just as God speaks and creates, in the Genesis story, so too can the mystic. (The word Abracadabra, incidentally, derives from avra k’davra, Aramaic for “I create as I speak.”) Thus, under the rarest of circumstances, a human being may imbue lifeless matter with that intangible, but essential spark of life: the soul.” (My Jewish learning)
The Cabalists saw the creation of a golem as a kind of alchemical task, the accomplishment of which proved the adept’s skill and knowledge of Kabbalah
The claim that the Hebrew language contains special power is not credible.
The 22 letters of the Hebrew language were born from Aramaic.
The Gematria, the interpretation of letters by numbers is based on the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet which is a copy of the older Aramaic.
This means that Hebrew is not a pure language so cannot be born from God, it is born from a previous and older language which surely would usurp its power. Aramaic was the language of a huge region.
The main book of the Cabala, the Zohar was the work of Moses De Leon who used an alter ego Simon Ben Jochai. It was claimed that the writings in the Zohar were from as far back as the second century.
The musings of Cabalists have nothing in common with ancient Judaism.
Mysticism found its way from Palestine to Babylonia and found many followers known as “Men of faith”.
These Cabalists claimed or pretended to be able to perform supernatural feats using the name of god and angels through symbolism.
The origins of Cabala are believed to have started in the seventh century and its last influencers were in the 18th century.
There are two distinct periods 7-13th century and 14th-18th century.
The Zohar of the 13th century was the major period of the Cabala
and was the Bible of the Cabalists.
With Moses Maimonedes 1135-1204 rationalism had reached its zenith. Cabala was a reaction to rationalism.
This started in Provence in France and spread to Spain when the Jews were driven out of Spain then to Palestine and back into Europe.
This fantasy world of exclusive allegory attracted a lot of interest from the genuinely curious, it influenced:
Raymon Lully The “Doctor illuminatus” died 1315
John Picus De Mirandola 1463-1494
John Reuchlin 1455-1522
English scholar Henry More 1614-1687
Theophrastus Paracelsus 1493- 1531
Jacob Boehme 1575-1624
The Conmen of Cabala
Its followers described themselves as yode ch’n as connoisseurs of secret wisdom.
The name Cabala was first used in the 13th century.
The claims made are that it can be traced back to three famous talmudists:
Rabbi Ismael Ben Elisa 121 AD
Nechunja Ben Ha Kanah 70 AD
Simon Ben Jochai 150 AD
These claims are entirely without merit. There is no recorded evidence connecting these individuals with the later Cabala and these speculations are entirely foreign to older Judaism especially Mosaism.
The Cabala as a mystical system and its development belongs to the middle ages beginning in the seventh century and culminating in the book of Zohar.
So, as stated above with Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) rationalism had reached its climax. The bible was to be explained by the light of reason. Even the Talmud had been systematized and codified.
The 13th century begins the crystallization of the cabala and starts with Isaac the blind 1190 – 1210
Acording to Cabalists The primary cause and governor of the world is En Soph, being infinite and boundless.
From En Soph emanated the sephiroth the intermediaries between En Soph and the material world as seen and experienced
The Ten Sephiroth
The sephiroth are both active and passive
1 Crown- Inscrutable height
2 Wisdom chokmah
3 Intelligence Binah
4 Love Chesed
5 Justice Pachad
6 Beauty Tiphareth
7 Firmness Nezach
8 Splendour Hod
9 Righteousness and foundation of the world Zadic yesod
10 Righteousness Sedaka
The first three form the world of thought.
The second three the world of the soul.
The last four The World of the body, corresponding to intellectual, moral and natural worlds
The Cabala had restrained the reasoning faculty and stimulated the imagination and feelings
We can see this influence in The Post Truth World, a world where feelings and belief win over facts.
The Cabala laid aside all moralistic argument
It produced self hypnosis, being mesmerized with visions and an inability to distinguish between right and wrong, usurping natural law and order.
Mix this in with the later New Age for westerners in the form of Neo Paganism and branches of Hinduism through the UN following in the footsteps of Alice Bailey and Blavatsky and a whole new world of self deception emerges and Cabalistic influence has become intertwined with the new age and its Gurus.
Later Cabala
The later major cabalists were Moses Cordovero 1522-1570 and Isaac Luria 1534-1572
Cordovero produced “The Garden of Pomegranites”,
Isaac Luria says he was in touch with the prophet Elijah. He was convinced he was the messiah, the son of Joseph. He claimed to perform miracles.
Luria attracted followers known as “novices” and the “initiated.”
He did enormous damage to Judaism and he elevated the Zohar to a higher level then the Bible. When Luria died Chayim Vital Calabrese 1543-1620 collected all Lurias work and together with his own notes published “Ez Chayim” The Tree of Life.
He spent 30 years putting all this together. It consists of six parts. This caused a major backlash but conversely it laid hold to the minds of many Jews. It was to have disastrous consequences.
The chief actor in the tragedy was the cabalist Sabbatei Tzevi
Born in the Greek city of Smyrna 1641 he was an avid student of the cabalists.
He had audiences from the age of 18 by age 21 he announced to his disciples he was the messiah, the son of David, the true redeemer.
He claimed he would “deliver Israel from captivity”.
He publicly pronounced the tetragrammaton which only the High Priest was allowed to do on the day of atonement.
He would not desist from his megalomania and was excommunicated by the sages of Smyrna and went to Salonica, Athens, then to More then Jerusalem.
Converting thousands to his cult. It is estimated that one million Jews or half the worlds Jewish population followed him.
By order of the Sultan Mohammed 1V he was arrested. The Sultan said to him “I am going to test thy messiahship.”
Three poisoned arrows are to be shot into thee if you survive I will believE you are the messiah.
Tzevy capitulated and embraced Islam.
He became known as Effendi, he died in 1676 and was buried in a Sufi shrine
He brought ruin to thousands of Jews but his following was not diminished.
Joseph Frank and The Sabbateans
The Zoharite Jacob Frank, real name Jankiew Lebowicz founded the Jewish Sabbatean Frankists
He was born in Poland in 1712 and preached a new doctrine based on that of Sabbatei Tzevi. He was arrested by the rabbis and liberated through the Roman Catholic Clergy
He was then allowed to preach his doctrine and also accepted Christianity. His followers were Zoharites.
His sect became more popular in Poland and Bohemia until he died in 1791
Their followers formed Masonic Lodges which spread through Turkey called the Donmeh
The main ideas were that the messiah would return if there was enough evil in the world.
Messiach comes when there is chaos, so the Sabbateans create as much as possible.
Sabbatei Tzevi and Jacob Frank have divided Jews and their followers continue to create their chaos through Freemasonry and any other outlet they can use.
This cult is deformed Judaism all through the Cabala and its deception and fantasy.
The religious side of traditional Judaism, a Temple, alter with animal sacrifice and a Messiah is bypassed with the cult of Frankism.
The Sabbatean Frankists recruit outside Judaism and have assimilated into Islam and Christian cults masquerading also through the doctrine of the Rosicrucians who accept and practice cabalistic thinking and concepts.
The Sabbatean cult deny they are members and carry on with the reversal of natural law.
It is a large clique who promote each other.
Authors who have written about the cabalists and the Sabbateans include Gershon Scholem.
From: The Cabala: Its influence on Judaism and Christianity, Bernard Pick 1913:
“It must be noted that the Cabala intended to oppose philosophy and to intensify religion. But, by introducing heathenish ideas it grafted on Judaism a conception of the world which was foreign to it and produced the most pernicious results”.
In place of the monotheistic biblical idea of God, according to which God is the creator,
preserver and ruler of the world, the confused, pantheistically coloured heathenish doctrine of emanation was substituted. The belief in the unity of God was replaced by the decade of the ten sephiroth which were considered as divine substances. By no longer addressing prayers directly to God , but to the sephiroth , a real sephiroth cult originated.”
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