The UK Venues who Hate Truth Update: The Quakers at Friends Meeting House in Worthing UK are the latest shameless totalitarians. Full story here The shutting down of public interest events in the UK is now comparable to any totalitarian regime. In the UK the state and globalist supported extremist so called “left” […]
Our show Fake Greens will kill you reported on the actions of the “Dimwitocracy” who attack and accuse people who are outside the implanted hive mind, those who repeat propaganda and have no facts. Those whose soundbites are their beliefs, those who have their beliefs manufactured for them and cannot think clearly and critically are […]
The Knights of Malta, The Templars of The Crown (AKA The Knights Templar) with The Vatican along with its Judaic Talmudic alliance The Jesuits aka The Society of Jesus and their Freemasonic brethren of the Legal system are in control of all so called law and order and the financial Global Control of the planet. […]
With the British Government “waging war “against alternative views and The Counter Terrorism and Security Act now in force this article may be useful to real journalists and those targeted because they go against The Consensus Reality created by Big Society Change Agents. Also of interest is our recent article Government Organised Protests which documents how government agents “Control the […]