Bringing Operation Gladio to the Public

Bringing Operation Gladio to the Public

I came up with an idea. It is based on the European Parliament’s resolution passed on 22 November 1990, shortly after the Gladio affair was exposed. They condemned the secret terrorist armies that were operating in Europe and called on the authorities concerned to take the necessary steps to call the action off. But what follow-up was there? My idea is to encourage anyone in a position to do so to put a resolution to any groups that they may be members of, such as political groups or peace groups, to call for a report on the follow-up from that resolution. It’s a simple idea, and since we are using official sources, would make any suggestion that we ourselves are ‘conspiracy theorists’ ludicrous. No-one could reasonably refuse such an idea. Whether or not such proposals for resolutions are accepted, they can be used to publicise the content amongst the members and the public.

Media Blacks Out Jewish Lobby-EU Report

Media Blacks Out Jewish Lobby-EU Report

This report below from explains a lot of what is going on in our controlled and propagandized news media.

.A two-week-old academic report detailing the Jewish lobby’s extensive influence in the European Union has been completely blacked out by the controlled media.

The report, titled “The Israel Lobby and the European Union,” details how the international Jewish lobby has “persuaded European law-makers to refrain from sanctioning Israel over its human rights abuses,” among many other things.

Is a Birth Certificate a Death Certificate?

Is a Birth Certificate a Death Certificate?

A registered birth to be recorded and witnessed by the informant (parent) and registrar in a parish and then into The Gazette.

The registration of the birth name gives the child its title (legal name).

The registration of a thing gives its title to a register, roll or estate. A legal person is therefore an estate.

The thing can then be conveyed lawfully and in commercial agreements between parties.

The legal title means the child is the property of the state and not the parent.

This is why on the birth certificate it states the name of the informant and not parent. (or first witness if illegitimate)

Because the registration is by consent this means that the property (child) was given to the state willingly.

Statutory law requires consent. Is a birth certificate a death certificate?