Antifa Wannabe New World Order

Protocols of Zion Antifa Handbook

Antifa Wannabe New World Order.

Windows on the World Live EP-11.

With Guests Ian Fanton and Alison Chabloz.

A recent meeting of a group of mainly senior citizens  formed in Harrods Tea Rooms have been described in the fake news media in a story circulated as   “Neo-Nazis plan London meeting to discuss Princess Diana conspiracy theories.”

Antifa Wannabe New World Order. Recently in the UK posts by terrorist organisation Antifa along with their partners in crime Hope Not Hate have relentlessly targeted this group.

Antifa and Hope not hate have put out inflammatory and malicious posts inciting hatred and preempting violence from their useful idiots in masks.

The RMT union were coerced into appearing attending on the back of false information.

James Trhing 74 year old peace activist who has been trying to get Blair arrested for war crimes was knocked to the ground by Antifa cowards.
The UN have slammed right wing protesters at Charlotteville whilst letting the so called leftists off the hook as they are part of the new global governance and UN plan of destruction of all rights under their world communist syst

We have done a number of shows which can be found on the website also in the archives at autonomous media on the hate filled charity Hope Not Hate funded by public donations to the Jo cox memorial fund, they are of course a charitable trust.

Several suspect online publications including Business Times OnlineThe Jewish Times and the hate filled propaganda site all carried stories before and after the meeting held recently by the Keep Talking group. The meeting was to be about the death of princess Diana presented by the author of a play about Diana’sdeath.

The propagandists were fed fake news by “far right activist” Jez Turner of the London Forum that it was about Mossad killing Diana which was a complete lie, however the controlled opposition never need facts to get in the way of subversion.

Inciting hatred online is an offence so why are these hate filled propaganda sites still there?

In the second hour we speak to Alison Chabloz who has been targeted by the campaign Against Antisemitism for her bitingly satirical songs on Holocaust “survivors”

Thanks to all our listeners and those who support us in other ways. If you have any questions, or want to join in the debate, you can join us for live shows in the AM ChatRoom, Sundays at 9pm.

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Antifa Wannabe New World Order.


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