Zombie Towns UK.

Zombie Towns UK.

Windows on the World Live EP-18.

Objection Bovine Excrement.

We have covered the Regeneration and Social Cleansing in many previous shows. This show
we speak to Chris from Hertford on the new developments being inflicted on locals.

There is no housing shortage but these new developments are being built by developers and changing the infrastructure of the areas.

We know that this is all part of the Global Action Plan implemented locally. The narrative is being controlled and the Change Agents are being introduced. The Zombie Towns are here and there is little resistance to the Collectivist mind virus!

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Neighbour writes hilarious 25-page objection to huge development near his home – describing the plans as “bovine excrement”

Disgruntled Christopher Powis is very much against the plan to build 380 new homes.

Above are headlines from the Daily Mirror story, you can read the whole story about Chris in the Daily Mirror article  here.

Thanks to Chris Powis for coming on Windows on the World Live and talking about the  Zombie Towns UK, we look forward to having him back on soon.

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